Friday 15 October 2010

This week in class I have been creating a meme, I have decided to do mine on The Lion King which is a popular Disney film. I have decided that I am going to change the genre of my film to a scary film as i think it is the complete opposite to the norm. I feel that this task should help me to learn how to edit film and also how to use the specialised computers to do so. This has to be completed by the 15th of October and i will then be updating it to my blog.

I have now completed my meme sucesfully, as I said before I turnt the usuall Disney film into a horror, I chose to do this as I believe that it is something different and interesting. Whilst i have been creating my meme I have learnt alot about Adobe cs4 and I feel that this is going to help me create my docummentary as I have learnt skills that I could never do before hand. I am going to uplod my meme on to my blog and also onto a youtube accout as it may help other people who are trying to create a meme and I believe it could come in very usefull. I think this because whilst I was planning my meme I was also researching them and looking at other people's who have put them on youtube, I felt that this helped me greatly. Whilst I have been creating my meme this week, I have also been doing my research and planning on my ancillary tasks, yet i have not completed it yet. This is part of my docummentary and is an important part that needs to be completed to a high standard.

Friday 24 September 2010

This week I have just received my AS level results for Media, overall I had a C yet I had a D in the coursework and an A in the exam, because of this I am preparing to re-do my coursework and improve it so that I can gain a higher mark overall. I am targeting to get a B. Even though I am not disappointed with this grade I feel that I could achieve higher by improving parts.

In the lesson this week I showed the class my planning and research for my documentary on a slide show. The class thought it was good as I had researched other documentaries and compared them to mine and also carefully planned out what I specifically want mine to be about. Yet they also found something’s that needed to be improved such as my research on the channel that I am going to be broadcasting my documentary on, also I need to make my target audience more specific. My class also said that they think that I should involve two points of views in my clip, this being people supporting my ideas and others not supporting. Also they thought that I should create a questionnaire and research what people would like to know about the two girls.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

1st blog entry
My name is Leanne Street and I am a year 13 student at Wellsway 6thform, i have been given my main piece of coursework for this year. I have been given the choice of 5 different things i can do, i have chosen to do film. The reason why I have chosen this is because i think i need more experience and need to higher my abilities in my editing so I thought that it would be a good idea to do film other than print.
With this piece of coursework we have been set two ancillary tasks, this need to be related to the larger task that I have chosen. The specific task that I have chosen is to create a film which lasts 5 minutes, I have chose this as I think I may be more interested and gain more experience by doing so.
The way in that I am going to create these successfully is by making sure I carefully plan each section out and make sure I have specific time management .

Blog entry two
This week I have been doing a lot of research and planning; I have been watching documentaries and comparing them to each other. From this I can have gathered some key concepts that they all seem to have. This has prepared me to make sure that I include these on my own personal documentary. This week I have also decided what I would like it to be focused on and I have decided that it will be about a support worker and two young women with downs syndrome. I have chosen to do this because it is a personal interest and also think it would be a good experience to around the two women.

Blog entry three
Today I have also been building up on my planning and research, I thought it would be a good idea to go and meet the support worker and Joanna and Claire to begin to build a relationship with them and prepare myself to be able work with them. Whilst I was spending time with them I decided to take some pictures of them together enjoying their selves and spending time together. Today I also asked them a few important questions and made sure that they didn’t mind me filming them.