Tuesday 6 July 2010

1st blog entry
My name is Leanne Street and I am a year 13 student at Wellsway 6thform, i have been given my main piece of coursework for this year. I have been given the choice of 5 different things i can do, i have chosen to do film. The reason why I have chosen this is because i think i need more experience and need to higher my abilities in my editing so I thought that it would be a good idea to do film other than print.
With this piece of coursework we have been set two ancillary tasks, this need to be related to the larger task that I have chosen. The specific task that I have chosen is to create a film which lasts 5 minutes, I have chose this as I think I may be more interested and gain more experience by doing so.
The way in that I am going to create these successfully is by making sure I carefully plan each section out and make sure I have specific time management .

Blog entry two
This week I have been doing a lot of research and planning; I have been watching documentaries and comparing them to each other. From this I can have gathered some key concepts that they all seem to have. This has prepared me to make sure that I include these on my own personal documentary. This week I have also decided what I would like it to be focused on and I have decided that it will be about a support worker and two young women with downs syndrome. I have chosen to do this because it is a personal interest and also think it would be a good experience to around the two women.

Blog entry three
Today I have also been building up on my planning and research, I thought it would be a good idea to go and meet the support worker and Joanna and Claire to begin to build a relationship with them and prepare myself to be able work with them. Whilst I was spending time with them I decided to take some pictures of them together enjoying their selves and spending time together. Today I also asked them a few important questions and made sure that they didn’t mind me filming them.

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