Friday 24 September 2010

This week I have just received my AS level results for Media, overall I had a C yet I had a D in the coursework and an A in the exam, because of this I am preparing to re-do my coursework and improve it so that I can gain a higher mark overall. I am targeting to get a B. Even though I am not disappointed with this grade I feel that I could achieve higher by improving parts.

In the lesson this week I showed the class my planning and research for my documentary on a slide show. The class thought it was good as I had researched other documentaries and compared them to mine and also carefully planned out what I specifically want mine to be about. Yet they also found something’s that needed to be improved such as my research on the channel that I am going to be broadcasting my documentary on, also I need to make my target audience more specific. My class also said that they think that I should involve two points of views in my clip, this being people supporting my ideas and others not supporting. Also they thought that I should create a questionnaire and research what people would like to know about the two girls.

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